Mashed Fauxtatos

Mashed Fauxtato


Mashed Fauxtato

Mashed Fauxtatos

Recipe Highlights:
Type: Side Dishes
Product: KetoCalĀ® 4:1 LQ Unflavored
Keto Ratio: 4:1

Important Information

Medical ketogenic diets should only be used under medical supervision. Always check with your healthcare professional to ensure that a recipe is appropriate.


28 g butter

153 g cauliflower, cooked

Salt & pepper to taste


  • Directions

1. Weigh ingredients separately.

    2. Heat butter and KetoCal in a small saucepan until hot, but not boiling.

      3. Place cooked cauliflower and KetoCal mixture in a blender.

        4. Season with salt and pepper.

          5. Blend until smooth.


            Nutritional Information
            Ā  Per Recipe
            Calories 264
            Protein 3.68 g
            Carbohydrate 2.91 g
            Fat 26.36 g
            Exact Ketogenic Ratio 4:1
            KetoCalĀ® is a medical food for the dietary management of drug-resistant epilepsy and must be used under medical supervision.
            Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!